I had a conversation recently with a friend about Corn Chowder. She was surprised that I was making a hot soup during the summer. Up until that moment, I never gave it a second thought, I had always thought of Corn Chowder as a summer recipe.
So let me lay out the reason I say it's a summer dish. Corn grows in my area in the summer. Yep, that's it. I know, you were probably looking for some long winded, strong, back up reasoning. Nope, it's as easy as the fact that fresh corn is in season.
Was that a huge let down for you? Sorry. Well, not entirely sorry, I mean, I'm still going to share with you an awesome recipe for Roasted Corn Chowder, so you are getting something.
So go ahead and make this any time of year, but I'm telling you, you can't beat the summer corn. You also can't beat the price of summer corn. Seriously, there was one day that my brother actually texted me from the grocery store asking me how local farmers could possibly be making any money when corn is on sale 12 for $1.62. Since I try not to curse here, I am not quoting him directly, just know, he was very upset on behalf of corn farmers. There may or may not have been some f bombs thrown in. He's very passionate.
You will notice that this is a Roasted Corn Chowder. If you've never roasted corn before, get with it. It's the only way I cook my fresh corn these days. Keep the corn right in the husks, as is. All you have to do is preheat your oven to 350, put the corn directly on the oven grates and roast 30 minutes. When you remove the corn from the oven, let it cool for a few minutes and then peel away the husks. You will be amazed at how easily the silks come off with the husks when the corn is roasted.
Printable Recipe Card
Roasted Corn Chowder
Healing Tomato says
You have a knack for recipes and photography. I am hypnotized by the pics and find myself trying to make this recipe vegetarian.
foodyschmoody says
Well thank you for that wonderful compliment, Rini. My sister in law, who is vegetarian, makes corn chowder and just omits the bacon. You could just use a bit of butter to saute the veg.
Michelle @ The Complete Savorist says
I'm with you, I make corn chowder every summer (fall too) but where I live, corn is coming in about now. I have never roasted my corn before for a chowder...going to have to try this asap.
janelle says
your corn chowder looks amazing! definitely a good way to use up this summer corn
foodyschmoody says
Thanks Janelle!
Dina@Kitchen Dreaming says
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